Flora & Fauna
Kumbali is a haven of biodiversity, home to an incredible array of flora and fauna. From vibrant indigenous trees and lush plant life to an impressive variety of birds, bats, mammals, and reptiles, the property offers a true immersion into Malawi’s natural beauty. Whether you're listening to the melodies of our birdlife, spotting elusive mammals, or marveling at the intricate ecosystems of our indigenous flora, Kumbali is a paradise for nature lovers and explorers alike.
Below is a compiled list of bird species that can be found in our area, including both their scientific (Latin) and common English names. We created this list to provide visitors with a concise reference to the region’s avian diversity. Each entry pairs the recognized Latin name with its corresponding English name(s), allowing enthusiasts, researchers, and casual birders alike to quickly identify and learn about the species they encounter.
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Accipiter badius | Shikra |
Accipiter melanoleucus | Black Goshawk |
Acrocephalus arundinaceus | Great Reed Warbler |
Acrocephalus gracilirostris | Lesser Swamp Warbler |
Acrocephalus palustris | Marsh Warbler |
Actitis hypoleucos | Common Sandpiper |
Alcedo cristata | Malachite Kingfisher |
Amadina fasciata | Cut-throat Finch |
Amaurornis flavirostra | Black Crake |
Anas erythrorhyncha | Red-billed Teal |
Anas sparsa | African Black Duck |
Anas undulata | Yellow-billed Duck |
Anastomus lamelligerus | African Openbill Stork |
Anomalospiza imberbis | Parasitic Weaver |
Anthoscopus caroli | Grey Penduline Tit |
Anthreptes (Nectarinia) collaris (Hedydipna collaris) | Collared Sunbird |
Anthus richardi | Richard's / Grassveld Pipit |
Anthus trivialis | Tree Pipit |
Anthus vaalensis | Buffy Pipit |
Apalis flavida | Yellow-breasted Apalis |
Apus affinis | Little Swift |
Apus apus | Common/European Swift |
Apus caffer | African White-rumped Swift |
Aquila wahlbergi | Wahlberg's Eagle |
Ardea cinerea | Grey Heron |
Ardea melanocephala | Black-headed Heron |
Batis molitor | Chinspot Batis |
Bradornis pallidus | Pale/Pallid Flycatcher |
Bubo africanus | Spotted Eagle Owl |
Bubo lacteus | Verreaux's/Giant Eagle Owl |
Bubulcus ibis | Cattle Egret |
Buteo buteo | Common Buzzard |
Butorides striata | Green-backed Heron |
Calamonastes undosus | Miombo Wren-Warbler/Barred Warbler |
Calandrella cinerea | Red-capped Lark |
Camaroptera brachyura | Bleating Bush Warbler |
Campephaga flava | Black Cuckoo-shrike |
Campethera abingoni | Golden-tailed Woodpecker |
Campethera cailliautii | Green-backed/Little Spotted Woodpecker |
Caprimulgus europaeus | European Nightjar |
Caprimulgus fossii | Square-tailed Nightjar / Square-tailed/Gaboon Nightjar |
Caprimulgus pectoralis | Fiery-necked Nightjar |
Caprimulgus tristigma | Freckled (Rock) Nightjar |
Cecropis abyssinica | Lesser Striped Swallow |
Centropus superciliosus | Burchell's Coucal |
Cercomela familiaris | Familiar Chat |
Ceryle rudis | Pied Kingfisher |
Ceyx pictus | African Pygmy Kingfisher |
Chalcomitra senegalensis | Scarlet-chested Sunbird |
Charadrius tricollaris | Three-banded Plover |
Chloropeta natalensis | African Yellow Warbler |
Chlorophoneus sulfureopectus (Malacanotus sulfureopectus) | Orange-breasted Bushrike / Sulphur-breasted/Orange-breasted Bush Shrike |
Chrysococcyx caprius | Diederik Cuckoo / Didric Cuckoo |
Chrysococcyx cupreus | African Emerald Cuckoo |
Chrysococcyx klaas | Klaas�s Cuckoo / Klaas's Cuckoo |
Cinnyricinclus leucogaster | Violet-backed Starling |
Circaetus cinereus | Brown Snake Eagle |
Circaetus pectoralis | Black-chested Snake Eagle |
Cisticola brachypterus | Siffling/Short-winged Cisticola |
Cisticola cantans | Singing Cisticola |
Cisticola chiniana | Rattling Cisticola |
Cisticola erythrops | Red-faced Cisticola |
Cisticola fulvicapilla | Piping Cisticola / Short-tailed Neddicky |
Cisticola juncidis | Zitting/Fan-tailed Cisticola |
Cisticola natalensis | Croaking Cisticola |
Clamator levaillantii | Levaillant�s Cuckoo / Levaillant's/Striped Cuckoo |
Coracias caudatus | Lilac-breasted Roller |
Coracias garrulus | European Roller |
Coracina pectoralis | White-breasted Cuckoo-shrike |
Corvus albus | Pied Crow |
Corythaixoides concolor | Grey Go-away Bird / Grey Lourie |
Cossypha heuglini | White-browed Robin-chat / Heuglin's Robin (White-browed Robin-Chat) |
Cossypha natalensis | Red-capped Robin (or Robin-Chat) |
Creatophora cinerea | Wattled Starling |
Crecopsis egregia | African Crake |
Crex crex | Corncrake |
Cuculus canorus | Common/European Cuckoo |
Cuculus clamosus | Black Cuckoo |
Cuculus gularis | African (Grey) Cuckoo |
Cuculus solitarius | Red-chested Cuckoo |
Cursorius temminckii | Temminck's Courser |
Cypsiurus parvus | African Palm Swift |
Delichon urbicum | Common House Martin |
Dendropicos fuscescens | Cardinal Woodpecker |
Dendropicos namaquus | Bearded Woodpecker |
Dicrurus adsimilis | Fork-tailed Drongo |
Dryoscopus cubla | Black-backed Puffback / Black-backed/Southern Puffback |
Egretta garzetta | Little Egret |
Elanus caeruleus | Black-shouldered Kite |
Emberiza cabanisi | Cabanis's Bunting |
Emberiza flaviventris | Golden-breasted Bunting |
Emberiza tahapisi | Cinnamon-breasted Bunting |
Eremomela icteropygialis | Yellow-bellied Eremomela |
Eremomela scotops | Green-capped Eremomela |
Eremopterix leucopareia | Fischer's Sparrow-Lark |
Eremopterix leucotis | Chestnut-backed Sparrow-Lark |
Estrilda astrild | Common Waxbill |
Euplectes afer | Yellow Bishop |
Euplectes albonotatus | White-winged Widowbird/Whydah |
Euplectes ardens | Red-collared Widowbird/Whydah |
Euplectes capensis | Yellow (-rumped) Bishop |
Euplectes hordeaceus | Black-winged Red Bishop |
Euplectes orix | Southern Red Bishop |
Eurystomus glaucurus | Cinnamon/Broad-billed Roller |
Falco amurensis | Amur (Eastern Red-footed) Falcon |
Falco biarmicus | Lanner Falcon |
Falco chicquera | Red-necked Falcon |
Falco naumanni | Lesser Kestrel |
Falco peregrinus | Peregrine Falcon |
Falco subbuteo | Eurasian Hobby |
Francolinus afer | Red-necked Spurfowl (Francolin) |
Francolinus hildebrandti | Hildebrandt's Francolin |
Glaucidium perlatum | Pearl-spotted Owlet |
Halcyon albiventris | Brown-hooded Kingfisher |
Halcyon chelicuti | Striped Kingfisher |
Halcyon leucocephala | Grey-headed/Chestnut-bellied Kingfisher |
Halcyon senegalensis | Woodland Kingfisher / Woodland/Senegal Kingfisher |
Hamerkop (See Scopus umbretta) | |
Hedydipna collaris (Anthreptes collaris) | Collared Sunbird (already listed) |
Heliolais erythropterus | Red-winged Warbler |
Hieraaetus pennatus | Booted Eagle |
Hieraaetus spilogaster | African Hawk Eagle |
Hippolais icterina | Icterine Warbler |
Hippolais olivetorum | Olive-tree Warbler |
Hirundo abyssinica | Lesser Striped Swallow (duplicate) |
Hirundo rustica | Barn/European Swallow |
Hirundo smithii | Wire-tailed Swallow |
Hypargos niveoguttatus | Red-throated Twinspot |
Indicator indicator | Greater Honeyguide |
Indicator minor | Lesser Honeyguide |
Indicator variegatus | Scaly-throated Honeyguide |
Kaupifalco monogrammicus | Lizard Buzzard |
Lagonosticta rubricata | African/Blue-billed Firefinch |
Lagonosticta senegala | Red-billed Firefinch |
Lamprotornis chalybaeus | Greater blue-eared Starling / Greater Blue-eared Starling |
Lamprotornis chloropterus | Lesser Blue-eared Starling |
Lamprotornis nitens | Cape Glossy Starling |
Laniarius aethiopicus | Tropical Boubou |
Laniarius major | Tropical boubou (duplicate; same species, same English name) |
Lanius (Nilaus) afer (Nilaus afer) | Brubru |
Lanius collaris | Common Fiscal / Fiscal Shrike |
Lanius collurio | Red-backed Shrike |
Lanius minor | Lesser Grey Shrike |
Lophaetus occipitalis | Long-crested Eagle |
Luscinia luscinia | Thrush Nightingale |
Lybius torquatus | Black-collared Barbet |
Macrodipteryx vexillarius | Pennant-winged Nightjar |
Macronyx croceus | Yellow-throated Longclaw |
Malaconotus blanchoti (Malacanotus blanchoti) | Grey-headed Bushrike / Grey-headed Bush Shrike |
Melaenornis pammelaina | Southern Black Flycatcher |
Melierax gabar | Gabar Goshawk |
Melocichla mentalis | African Moustached Warbler |
Merops apiaster | European Bee-eater |
Merops pusillus | Little Bee-eater |
Merops superciliosus | Madagascar Bee-eater |
Milvus migrans | Black Kite |
Mirafra rufocinnamomea | Flappet Lark |
Motacilla aguimp | African Pied Wagtail |
Motacilla clara | Mountain Wagtail |
Motacilla flava | Yellow Wagtail |
Muscicapa adusta | African Dusky Flycatcher |
Muscicapa caerulescens | Ashy Flycatcher |
Muscicapa striata | Spotted Flycatcher |
Nectarinia bifasciata | Purple-banded Sunbird |
Nectarinia cuprea | Copper/Coppery Sunbird |
Nectarinia olivacea | Olive Sunbird |
Nectarinia senegalensis | Scarlet-chested Sunbird (duplicate) |
Nectarinia venusta | Variable/Yellow-bellied Sunbird |
Nilaus afer | Brubru (duplicate) |
Numida meleagris | Helmeted Guineafowl |
Oena capensis | Namaqua Dove |
Oriolus auratus | African Golden Oriole |
Oriolus larvatus | Black-headed Oriole / Eastern Black-headed Oriole |
Oriolus oriolus | Eurasian Golden Oriole |
Otus leucotis | White-faced Owl |
Otus senegalensis | African Scops Owl |
Parus griseiventris | Miombo Grey Tit |
Passer domesticus | House Sparrow |
Passer griseus | Northern Grey-headed Sparrow |
Petronia superciliaris | Yellow-throated Petronia |
Phalacrocorax africanus | Long-tailed/Reed Cormorant |
Philomachus pugnax | Ruff |
Phoeniculus purpureus | Green/Red-billed Wood Hoopoe |
Phyllastrephus terrestris | Terrestrial Brownbul |
Phylloscopus trochilus | Willow Warbler |
Ploceus cucullatus | Village (Spotted-backed) Weaver |
Ploceus ocularis | Spectacled Weaver |
Ploceus velatus | Southern/African Masked Weaver |
Ploceus xanthops | Holub's/Large Golden Weaver |
Pogoniulus chrysoconus | Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird |
Poicephalus cryptoxanthus | Brown-headed Parrot |
Poicephalus meyeri | Meyer's Parrot |
Polyboroides typus | African Harrier Hawk / African Harrier Hawk / Gymnogene |
Prinia subflava | Tawny-flanked Prinia |
Prionops plumatus | White-crested Helmet Shrike / White Helmet Shrike |
Psalidoprocne pristoptera | Black Saw-wing |
Pseudhirundo griseopyga | Grey-rumped Swallow |
Psophocichla litsitsirupa | Groundscraper Thrush |
Pycnonotus barbatus (Pycnonotus tricolor) | Common Bulbul / Dark-capped Bulbul |
Pytilia afra | Orange-winged Pytilia |
Larger animals
Below is a categorized list of local mammals and related wildlife that inhabit our area. We have grouped them by their general type—from antelope species and other hoofed animals to small mammals, carnivores, primates, and more. This list offers a quick reference for anyone interested in the diverse fauna that can be observed nearby, whether you are a researcher, nature enthusiast, or casual visitor.
Antelope Species:
Sable Antelope
Blue Wildebeest
Other Hoofed Animals:
Plains Zebra
Small Mammals:
Rock Hyrax
Mole Rat
Cane Rat
Field Mouse
Elephant Shrew
Carnivores and Predators:
Spotted Hyena
African Wild Cat
Side Striped Jackal
Honey Badger
Mongoose Species:
Slender Mongoose
Large Grey Mongoose
Water Mongoose
Southern Bushbaby
Greater Bushbaby
Vervet Monkey
Monitor Lizard
Other Species:
Banana pipistrelle bat
Little free-tailed bat
Peter’s epauletted fruit bat
Ethiopian epauletted fruit bat
Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bat
Variegated butterfly bat
Sundevall’s leaf-nosed bat
Giant leaf-nosed bat
Angolan free-tailed bat
White-bellied free-tailed bat
Rufous myotis
Welwitsch’s bat
Anchieta’s serotine
Large-eared slit-faced bat
Egyptian slit-faced bat
Geoffroy’s horseshoe bat
Ruppel’s horseshoe bat
Hildebrandt’s horseshoe bat
Dark-winged house lesser house bat
Yellow-bellied house bat
Coming soon!